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Now comes the difficult part. In order to make this natural treatment system available a lot has to happen. Most importantly the federal government has to be made aware of this product and paperwork completed and approved for commercialization. This work has already been initiated but will take time (approximately a year). Then each state has to recognize this federal approval and accept it. While this is happening the infrastructure and support to mass produce, package and ship this product to beekeepers has to be financed, optimized and/or created. Most importantly this is still a product in infancy and additional research will be ongoing to continue evaluating other ingredient options, optimize dosage and treatment cycles and refine material makeup.
If you are an individual or organization who understands the importance of honeybees and their impact on pollination and food supply and believes that natural and environmentally friendly methods are the only way to produce food but do not have a need for this product but want to support our research effort click below:
If you are a beekeeper or beekeeping organization and understand the importance of this scientific effort and the commercialization of this treatment option then please contribute with an understanding that you will receive product(s) when they are legally available for sale. Depending on the amount of money contributed there are various incentives for your investment.
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